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€ 121,00
EAN-13: 9789004314092
Balkelis Tomas
Population Displacement in Lithuania in the Twentieth Century Experiences, Identities and Legacies
Edizione:Brill, 2016
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 121,00
DescrizionePopulation Displacement in Lithuania in the 20th Century: Experiences, Identities and Legacies offers an account on how two world wars produced a series of population displacements in Lithuania in the course of the 20th century.

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€ 88,00
EAN-13: 9789004298903
Plasseraud Yves
Irena Veisaitė Tolerance and involvement
Edizione:Brill, 2015
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 88,00
DescrizioneThis book is about the life of Irena Veisaitė, a Lithuanian theatre scholar, human rights activist, and Holocaust survivor; whose life is a resumé of XXth century East-European history.

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€ 139,00
EAN-13: 9789004300187
Pourchier-Plasseraud Suzanne
Arts and a Nation The Role of Visual Arts and Artists in the Making of the Latvian Identity, 1905-1940
Edizione:Brill, 2015
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 139,00
DescrizioneFocusing on Latvia, (between 1905 and 1940), Suzanne Pourchier-Plasseraud, has chosen a nation without an ancient state history of its own, to illustrate the evolution of the concept of national identity into a claim for independence, with the help of art and artists.

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€ 139,00
EAN-13: 9789004302037
Eidintas Alfonsas
Antanas Smetona and His Lithuania From the National Liberation Movement to an Authoritarian Regime (1893-1940)
Edizione:Brill, 2015
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 139,00
DescrizioneIn Antanas Smetona and His Lithuania Alfonsas Eidintas recounts the life and times of one of the most important leaders of the Lithuanian national movement Antanas Smetona, the content of his authoritarian regime (1926-1940) and impact of his associates, who constructed the nationalist ideology, the economic progress, and the cultural life of independent Lithuania before the Soviet invasion of 1940.

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€ 125,00
EAN-13: 9789004299627
Zadencka Maria
East and Central European History Writing in Exile 1939-1989
Edizione:Brill, 2015
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 125,00
DescrizioneThe studies in East and Central European History Writing in Exile 1939-1989 offer concise analysis of the organization and the intellectual work of historians exiled from the Baltic States, including Baltic Germans, Belorusia, Ukraine, and Poland in the West.

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€ 81,00
EAN-13: 9789042039117
Å vedas Aurimas
In the Captivity of the Matrix Soviet Lithuanian Historiography, 1944-1985
Edizione:Brill, 2014
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 81,00
DescrizioneThis book is about the past and its falsification, historians and the Soviet ideological Matrix. It aims to unveil the formation and existence of Soviet-era Lithuanian historiography, to show how it was affected by mechanisms that created it, and to discuss what kinds of behavioural models different scholars choose in front of the dilemma: to tell the truth or to lie? The answering of these questions determined the structure of the book, which consists of a prologue, five parts and an epilogue.The book will be useful for those interested in the politics of Soviet history and the evolution of the historiography of that time, the processes of the indoctrination of Soviet society, the relationship between the intellectuals and the authorities of the Soviet period.

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€ 52,00
EAN-13: 9789042037984
Dini Pietro U.
Prelude to Baltic Linguistics Earliest Theories about Baltic Languages (16th century)
Edizione:Brill, 2014
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 52,00
DescrizioneThis book is a study of the relatively unknown field of Baltic linguistic historiography associated with the 16th century. This has been the saeculum mirabile of Baltic philology, not only on account of the first books having appeared during that period, but also due to the diverse linguistic ideas about the Baltic languages which were circulating during Renaissance Palaeocomparativism: the Slavic and the closely connected Illyrian theory, the Latin theory (with its variants: the semi-Latin, the neo-Latin, and the Wallachian), also the Quadripartite theory. Minor but significant linguistic ideas are also discussed here, for example the emergence of a Hebrew theory and the Greek theory about Old Prussian. The synoptic juxtaposition of the different ideas shows very well the state of knowledge in Europe about the languages which later would be called ‘Baltic' and the modernity of those ideas within European Renaissance linguistic debate leading to the rise of comparative linguistic genealogy.

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€ 121,00
EAN-13: 9789042038769
Housden Martyn
On Their Own Behalf Ewald Ammende, Europe’s National Minorities and the Campaign for Cultural Autonomy 1920-1936
Edizione:Brill, 2014
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 121,00
DescrizioneWhat form should Europe take? Should it be based on ‘nation states' or ‘states of nations'? On what basis should European unification proceed? Should it be an élite undertaking pioneered by statesmen elected to democratic government offices, or should true unification also demand a significant European cultural forum open to spokesmen and –women representing the continent's nationality groups? Was the League of Nations really such a thing? Or was it a League of States? All these questions were posed by Ewald Ammende and his fellow minority associates during the 1920s. Coming to terms with the consequences of collapsed empires and at least four years of conflict, they were forced to consider how best to re-build their continent as if it were a tabula rasa. In the process, they provided intelligent, perceptive analyses of the national and international affairs of the day, particularly as they affected Central and Eastern Europe. Their voices, reflecting their status as national minorities and a geographical location beyond the borders of the post-war Great Powers, deserve to be written more thoroughly into the history of the interwar years. Their ideas still provide food for thought even today.

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€ 32,00
EAN-13: 9789042038776
Rislakki Jukka
The Case for Latvia. Disinformation Campaigns Against a Small Nation Fourteen Hard Questions and Straight Answers about a Baltic Country - Expanded Second Edition
Edizione:Brill, 2014
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 32,00
DescrizioneWhat do we know about Latvia and the Latvians? A Baltic (not Balkan) nation that emerged from fifty years under the Soviet Union – interrupted by a brief but brutal Nazi-German occupation and a devastating war – now a member of the European Union and NATO. Yes, but what else? Relentless accusations keep appearing, especially in Russian media, often repeated in the West: “Latvian soldiers single-handedly saved Lenin's revolution in 1917”, “Latvians killed Tsar Nikolai II and the Royal family”, “Latvia was a thoroughly anti-Semitic country and Latvians started killing Jews even before the Germans arrived in 1941”, “Nazi revival is rampant in today's Latvia”, “The Russian minority is persecuted in Latvia...”True, false or in-between? The Finnish journalist and author Jukka Rislakki examines charges like these and provides an outline of Latvia's recent history while attempting to separate documented historical fact from misinformation and deliberate disinformation. His analysis helps to explain why the Baltic States (population 7 million) consistently top the enemy lists in public opinion polls of Russia (143 million). His knowledge of the Baltic languages allows him to make use of local sources and up-to-date historical research. He is a former Baltic States correspondent for Finland's largest daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat and the author of several books on Finnish and Latvian history. As a neutral, experienced and often critical observer, Rislakki is uniquely qualified for the task of separating truth from fiction.

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€ 134,00
EAN-13: 9789042036468
Rubin Dominic
The Life and Thought of Lev Karsavin "Strength made perfect in weakness…"
Edizione:Brill, 2013
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 134,00
Descrizione“At last, Russia has begun to speak in a truly original voice.” So said Anatoly Vaneev, a Soviet dissident who became Karsavin's disciple in the Siberian gulag where the philosopher spent his last two years. The book traces the unusual trajectory of this inspiring voice: Karsavin started his career as Russia's brightest historian of Catholic mysticism; however, his radical methods – which were far ahead of their time – shocked his conservative colleagues. The shock continued when Karsavin turned to philosophy, writing flamboyant and dense essays in a polyphonic style, which both Marxists and religious traditionalists found provocative. There was no let-up after he was expelled by Lenin from Soviet Russia: in exile, he became a leading theorist in the Eurasian political movement, combining Orthodox theology with a left-wing political orientation. Finally, Karsavin found stability when he was invited to teach history in Lithuania: there he spent twenty years reworking his philosophy, before suffering the German and Soviet invasions of his new homeland, and then deportation and death. Clearing away misunderstandings and putting the work and life in context, this book shows how Karsavin made an original contribution to European philosophy, inter-religious dialogue, Orthodox and Catholic theology, and the understanding of history.

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€ 114,00
EAN-13: 9789042037229
Felder Björn M.
Baltic Eugenics Bio-Politics, Race and Nation in Interwar Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1918-1940
Edizione:Brill, 2013
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 114,00
DescrizioneThe history of eugenics in the Baltic States is largely unknown. The book compares for the first time the eugenic projects of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and the related disciplines of racial anthropology and psychiatry, and situates them within the wider European context. Strong ethno-nationalism defined the nation as a biological group, which was fostered by authoritarian regimes established in Lithuania in 1926, and in Estonia and Latvia in 1934. The eugenics projects were designed to establish a nation in biological terms. Their aims were to render the nation ethnically, genetically and racially homogeneous. The main agenda was a non-democratic state that defined its population in biological terms. Eugenic policies were to regenerate the nation and to reconstruct it as a “pure” and “original” race, Such schemes for national regeneration contained strong elements of secular religion.

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€ 65,00
EAN-13: 9789042037175
Kalmre Eda
The Human Sausage Factory A Study of Post-War Rumour in Tartu
Edizione:Brill, 2013
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 65,00
DescrizioneUnder certain conditions, some rumours, which were established as part of folklore already long ago, may become fixed in the memory and the subconscious of several generations. This is what happened with the rumour about a human sausage factory after the Second World War. In Tartu, Estonia, this rumour obtained a symbolic meaning and power due to the politics of the totalitarian Soviet regime. The memories of the post-war period are still vivid in the collective mind, and the onetime rumour of sausage factories incorporates the population's tensions, pain, loss, choices, defiance and irreconcilability. The individual and community emotions that are brought to a focus in this discourse are an indicator of defining social boundaries and behaviour, of ‘us' and ‘them'. When describing the events that took place in Tartu, folklore becomes a powerful tool with which to construe the meaning of the era at the social level. Through documents, photos and people's memories, the book offers an insight into the city of Tartu after the Second World War and reveals the several layers of meaning represented by rumour in this period.

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€ 88,00
EAN-13: 9789042033139
Tamman Tina
The last ambassador August Torma, soldier, diplomat, spy
Edizione:Brill, 2011
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 88,00
DescrizioneEstonian ambassador August Torma had a protracted and unconventional relationship with the British Foreign Office. Appointed to the Court of St James's in 1934, Torma lost his government in 1940 when the Soviet Union overran his country, but continued to live at the legation in London and visit the Foreign Office. Gradually, however, his diplomatic standing was eroded because of Soviet demands. For Torma there was the very real fear that Britain might recognise the Soviet occupation of his homeland and he continued to reiterate his faith in international law in the hope that Estonia's stolen independence would be restored one day. He died in 1971, twenty years before the country regained its lost freedom. This book is a biography of Torma who had a remarkable life: he assisted in the creation of the Estonian state in 1918–20, worked for it during the inter-war period and struggled to keep its cause alive during and after the Second World War; it is also a study of the awkward relationship between the ambassador and the Foreign Office that lasted for more than three decades.

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€ 111,00
EAN-13: 9789042033153
Housden Martyn
Forgotten Pages in Baltic History Diversity and Inclusion
Edizione:Brill, 2011
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 111,00
DescrizioneThe years from 1918 to 1945 remain central to European History. It was a breath-taking time during which the very best and very worst attributes of Mankind were on display. In the euphoria of peace which followed the end of the First World War, the Baltic States emerged as independent forces on the world stage, participating in thrilling experiments in national and transnational governance. Later, following economic collapse and in the face of rising totalitarianism among even Europe's most cultured nations, Baltic communities succumbed to nationalism too. During wartime, Baltic peoples became both victims and, sometimes, victimisers. Ultimately their victimhood lasted until the end of the Cold War, yielding consequences still discernible at the start of the twenty first century.Taking the period 1918 to 1945 as pivotal, this collection of essays examines some of the key themes in Baltic History as they are emerging today. These include appreciations of identity, autonomy and the rights of national minorities; the everyday and social foundations of international security; and the importance of historical memory to popular and political identities.

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€ 146,00
EAN-13: 9789042032439
Kõresaar Ene
Soldiers of Memory World War II and Its Aftermath in Estonian Post-Soviet Life Stories
Edizione:Brill, 2011
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 146,00
DescrizioneSoldiers of Memory explores the complexities and ambiguities of World War II experience from the Estonian veterans' point of view. Since the end of World War II, contesting veteran cultures have developed on the basis of different war experiences and search for recognition in the public arena of history. The book reflects on this process by combining witness accounts with their critical analysis from the aspect of post-Soviet remembrance culture and politics.The first part of the book examines the persistent remembrance of World War II. Eight life stories of Estonian men are presented, revealing different war trajectories: mobilised between 1941 and 1944, the narrators served in the Red Army and its work battalions, fought against the Soviet Union in the Finnish Army, Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe, the German political police force and Wehrmacht, deserted from the Red Army, were held in German and Soviet prison and repatriation camps.The second part of the book offers a critical analysis of the stories from a multidisciplinary point of view: what were the possible life trajectories for an Estonian soldier under Soviet and German occupations in the 1940s? How did the soldiers cope with the extreme conditions of the Soviet rear? How are the veterans' memories situated in terms of different memory regimes and what is their position in the post-Soviet Estonian society? What role does ethnic and generational identity play in the formation of veterans' war remembrance? How do individuals cope with war trauma and guilt in life stories? Offering a wide range of empirical material and its critical analysis, Soldiers of Memory will be important for military, oral and cultural historians, sociologists, cultural psychologists, and anybody with an interest in the history of World War II, post/communism, and cultural construction of memory in contemporary Eastern European societies.

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€ 63,00
EAN-13: 9789042032491
Janušauskienė Diana
Post-Communist Democratisation in Lithuania Elites, parties, and youth political organisations. 1988-2001
Edizione:Brill, 2011
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 63,00
DescrizionePost-Communist Democratisation in Lithuania: Elites, Parties, and Youth Political Organisations. 1988 – 2001 explains post-communist changes in Lithuania. The transformation of political party system, political elites and youth political organisations in Lithuania are examined in light of democratisation in other post-communist countries. By linking theories of democratisation and elites to actual events, the book provides an analytical framework for interpreting political regime change and development in Lithuania. The book is based on five assumptions: (1) democratisation in Lithuania belongs to a ‘Western type' of democratic development; (2) elites and nationalism were the major forces in modernisation; (3) Lithuanian elites have used the favourable conditions of perestroika and were the major actors in regime transformation; (4) the crop of political elites in Lithuania undergoes a generational change, and youth political organisations are very important in this process as they serve as schools for future politicians; and (5) class theory is less useful than elite theory when analysing the process of democratisation in Lithuania.

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€ 33,00
EAN-13: 9789042033719
Voren Robert
Undigested Past The Holocaust in Lithuania
Edizione:Brill, 2011
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 33,00

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€ 120,00
EAN-13: 9789042034419
Kvietkauskas Mindaugas
Transitions of Lithuanian Postmodernism Lithuanian Literature in the Post-Soviet Period
Edizione:Brill, 2011
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 120,00
DescrizioneIn 1990, Lithuania was the first of fifteen Soviet Republics to proclaim its independence from the USSR and, in doing so, dealt a fatal blow to this superpower. Overnight, this small country, whose very existence had been erased from the world map for 50 years, became Post-Soviet and proclaimed its return to a multicultural Europe. So, what happened then in the lives of Lithuanians? How did they survive the collapse of a planned economy and the crisis of values? How does Lithuania, together with the other Baltic countries, which had once been the most prosperous Republics in the USSR, come to terms with the fact that they are now among the poorest member nations in another transnational configuration – the European Union? These issues are actively addressed in the works of contemporary Lithuanian writers, whose texts are analyzed in the collection of articles, Transitions of Lithuanian Postmodernism: Lithuanian Literature in the Post-Soviet Period. Utilizing various perspectives, leading Lithuanian literary scholars discuss identity transformations and the discourse of reinterpretations of the past in contemporary Lithuanian prose, poetry, essay writing, and memoir. This book reveals both existentially universal dramas and specific experiences that arise from this unique double-post (Post-Soviet and postmodern) condition.

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€ 65,00
EAN-13: 9789042030480
Voren Robert
Cold War in Psychiatry Human Factors, Secret Actors
Edizione:Brill, 2010
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 65,00
DescrizioneFor 20 years Soviet psychiatric abuse dominated the agenda of the World Psychiatric Association. It ended only after the Soviet Foreign Ministry intervened. Cold War in Psychiatry tells the full story for the first time and from inside, among others on basis of extensive reports by Stasi and KGB – who were the secret actors, what were the hidden factors?Based on a wealth of new evidence and documentation as well as interviews with many of the main actors, including leading Western psychiatrists, Soviet dissidents and Soviet and East German key figures, the book describes the issue in all its complexity and puts it in a broader context. In the book opposite sides find common ground and a common understanding of what actually happened.

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€ 77,00
EAN-13: 9789042030626
Leinarte Dalia
Adopting and Remembering Soviet Reality Life Stories of Lithuanian Women, 1945 – 1970
Edizione:Brill, 2010
Collana:On the Boundary of Two Worlds

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 77,00
DescrizioneFor millions of people, the Soviet experience meant not only living through the torment of Stalinism and the GULAG, the unbelievable destiny of men and women during the 1917 Revolution, civil war, and the Second World War, or those breathtaking, gigantic Socialist construction projects. Many citizens of the former Soviet Union lived “ordinary lives in ordinary times”, where the fate of men and women depended not on armed coercion, but Soviet ideology and propaganda. Adopting and Remembering Soviet Reality contains the stories of ten women, talking about their lives in Soviet Lithuania, one of the annexed Baltic republics. The book gives a compelling account of how, in the last years of Stalin's rule, after 1945, during the so-called “Khrushchev Thaw”, and in the beginning of the “Stagnation Era”, Soviet ideology transfused the everyday life of women and dictated just about every major aspect of their lives. Based on interviews, the journalistic press of that era, as well as other material, the book reveals how propaganda shaped women's understanding of family and work responsibilities, child care, interpersonal relationships, romantic love, and friendship.

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